Thank you to these individuals and businesses who have stepped up to volunteer their time for NAREB this year.
NAREB Committees: 2025
Annual Town Meeting Committee:
Brian Sullivan, Chair
Stephen Maury
Debbie Dilworth
? Is there a fourth?
Executive Committee:
Debbie Dilworth, President
Penny Dey, Past President
Brian Sullivan, Vice President
Susan Shepherd, Treasurer
Kate Ranney Sayle, Secretary
Robert Sarkisian, Member at Large
Lisa Winn, Member at Large
Education Committee:
Marion Conley, Chair
Lara Hanson
Liza Hatton
Listing Service Oversight Committee:
Kate Ranney Sayle, Chair
Lara Hanson
Marion Conley
Lisa Sherburne
Amber Cantella
Susan Shepherd
Publications Committee:
Bruce Beni, Chair
(?) Vacation Rental Committee (?)
Penny Dey, Chair
Lisa Winn
Stephen Maury